Today was just one of those days that felt good. The sun was out, the bitter-cold Canadian weather had begun to grow milder and I spent the afternoon with Boomer. I got the sense that he was in a really good mood too. I say this because after our relaxing and stress-free ride (he was a total gentleman about everything), he was itching to play with me. It started with a bit of tag. He gets the hoots out of following me around, nipping my sweater or boot, and then trotting off looking over his shoulder as if to say "well, come catch me". He also decided that everything in the arena had been specifically put there for his amusement. The mounting step became entertaining to roll around with his nose, the pylons and dressage whip just had to go in his mouth...he can make anything into a game, I swear. I decided to bring the camera out, and as you can tell by the picture to the left, he was more interested in chasing me down and eating it than letting me get a shot of his handsome self. Oh, well. I suppose it's best I spared you the awful sight of his manure-stained belly anyways.
However, I got lots of fun shots of him being the goofball that he is. Boomer is definitely a left-brained introvert: mischievious, willful, dominant, mouthy, self-confident and brave. I have yet to find something that will faze him. But he can also be pretty insensitive and dull if I'm not firm with him or providing enough stimulation.
Oh he is so cute. I was hoping you would more pictures. Loving the huge feet, he is a very big boy. You find him athletic though?
He is absolutely adorable. I love his face!
Aww! Boomer is such a pretty horse! He kind of reminds me of my dog. She can make a game out of anything as well, but boomer must be a least 20x's my little dog's size!
He reminds me of my cat, so curious. Very adorable!
Hi Janine. Boomer and Bombay should get together in field filled with mounting blocks and stools, so that they can have a grand time tipping them over and flipping them about. Boomer's measurements on your sidebar are amazing! What is is like to ride a horse that big? Do your legs hurt afterwards? Are his gaits smooth or rough?
Ah, I do get a lot of questions about the size. He actually doesn't look as big undersaddle and I am quite tall with long legs, so he fits me well. I like a horse with a wider barrel to take up my legs. My legs do hurt some after a hard lesson, but overall, it isn't too bad. As far as his gaits - they are exceptionally smooth and big. He's got some nice extension on him when asked. And yes, he is athletic to an extent - of course not as athletic as a performance-type thoroughbred - but as long as he has regular riding, he keeps in good shape. He's still young though so his endurance hasn't built up much yet since our rides are kept to about 30 mins.
He is beautiful and darling at the same time. I love all that personality.
Looks like he's having a great time with that stool. I love curious horses.They are so much fun.
LOVE your blog! And such a pretty boy you have!! :) I listed your blog on mine as a fave. Hope that's alright.
Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!
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